Our Love of Music - Lodge of the Liberal Arts

The Lodge of the Liberal Arts No. 500
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Our Love of Music
From the beginning of the discussions that led to the formation of The Lodge of the Liberal Arts No 500, a desire to promote arts and culture, and where possible, to enhance our Masonic ceremonies and proceedings by the use of music and lighting was identified as one of our objectives.
Bro. Reg Newcombe, was our Organist from the constitution of the Lodge, followed by Bro. Brian Crone. Bro Newcombe arranged and produced our original Song Book containing the music and odes used in the three degrees.
Our three ceremonies are conducted using enhanced lighting and music to give further emphasis to the many important features of Masonic teachings.  The opening ode for all Lodge meetings is Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy; and meetings conclude with members and visitors joining hands to form a Masonic chain and singing together Bro Mozart's hymn 'Let us Then With Hands United'.
The Lodge has had the benefit of several able singers, including Bros James Morton, Rob Crabtree, and Donald Trott. These Brethren are also members of the Auckland Masonic Choir, which has grown modestly over the years to become a feature of the Masonic landscape, adding musical enhancement to installations, degree workings, church services, and other Masonic occasions.  We have confirmed our commitment to music by appointing as Director of Music, Bro Donald Trott.

Freemasons New Zealand
Ellerslie Freemasons Centre
9A Robert Street
Ellerslie,  Auckland 1051
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